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Celkem nalezeno: 1145 záznamů
Wang Y., Dai Y.-C., Liu H., Lim Y.-W., Vlasák J., Buchanan P., Yuan Y., Wu Y.-D. (2022) A new contribution to Megasporoporia sensu lato, six new species and three new combinations Frontiers in Microbiology 13: 1046777.
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Yuan Y., Wu Y.-D., Wang Y.-R., Zhou M., Qiu J.-Z., Li D.-W., Vlasák J., Liu H.-G., Dai Y.-C. (2022) Two new forest pathogens in Phaeolus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) on Chinese coniferous trees were confirmed by molecular phylogeny Frontiers in Microbiology 13: 942603.
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Zhou M., Dai Y., Vlasák J., Yuan Y. (2021) Molecular Phylogeny and Global Diversity of the Genus Haploporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Journal of Fungi 7 (2): 96.
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Jaime-Pérez N., Bína D., Kaftan D., Bokhari S. N. H., Küpper H. (2021) Naturally zinc-containing bacteriochlorophyll a ([Zn]-BChl a) protects the photosynthetic apparatus of Acidiphilium rubrum from copper toxicity damage Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics 1862: 148472.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2021.148472
Kawakubo S., Gao F., Li S., Tan Z., Huang Y.-K., Adkar-Purushothama C. R., Gurikar C., Maneechoat P., Chiemsombat P., Aie S.S., Furuya N., Shevchenko O., Špak J., Škorić D., Ho S.Y.W., Ohshima K. (2021) Genomic analysis of the brassica pathogen turnip mosaic potyvirus reveals its spread along the former trade routes of the Silk Road Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (12): e2021221118.
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Morina F., Mijovilovich A. E., Koloniuk I., Pěnčík A., Grúz J., Novák O., Küpper H. (2021) Interactions between zinc and Phomopsis longicolla infection in roots of Glycine max Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (8): 3320–3336.
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erab052
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