Celkem nalezeno: 66 záznamů |
Neumann P., Požárková D., Vrána J., Doležel J.,
Macas J. (2001) Chromosome flow-sorting and integration of genetic and physical maps in pea Chromosome Research
9: 98.
Nouzová M.,
Neumann P.,
Navrátilová A., Galbraith D.,
Macas J. (2001) Microarray-based survey of repetitive genomic sequences in Vicia spp.. Plant Molecular Biology
45: 229-244.
Macas J., Požárková D.,
Navrátilová A.,
Nouzová M.,
Neumann P. (2000) Two new families of tandem repeats isolated from genus Vicia using genomic self-priming PCR Molecular and General Genetics
263: 741-751.
Nouzová M., Doleželová M.,
Koblížková A.,
Neumann P., Doležel J.,
Macas J. (1999) Cloning and characterization of new repetitive sequences in field bean (Vicia faba L.) Annals of Botany
83: 535-541.
Neumann P., Lysák M., Doležel J.,
Macas J. (1998) Isolation of chromosomes from Pisum sativum L. hairy roots and their analysis by flow cytometry Plant Science
137: 205-215.
Neumann P. (1996) Statistical evaluation of the effect of individual heat shock parameters on the effectiveness of triploidy induction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mydiss WALBAUM, 1792) Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany
32: 32-38.