
Celkem nalezeno: 68 záznamů
Špak J., Navrátil M., Karešová R., Přibylová J., Válová P., Kučerová J., Kubelková D., Fialová R., Špaková V. (2006) Occurrence, symptom variation and yield loss caused by full blossom disease in red and white currants in the Czech Republic Crop Protection 25: 446-453.
Špak J., Přibylová J., Kubelková D., Špaková V. (2004) The presence of phytoplasma in black currant infected with the blackcurrant reversion disease Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 152: 1-6.
Fránová J., Přibylová J., Šimková M., Navrátil M., Válová P. (2003) Electron microscopy and molecular characterization of phytoplasmas associated with strawflower yellows in the Czech Republic European journal of plant pathology 109: 883-887.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Fránová J., Nebesářová J. (2002) Further investigation on full blossom disease of currants in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 585: 405-412.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Kubelková D. (2002) Mixed infection of black currant (Ribes Nigrum L.) plants with blackcurrant reversion associated virus and rhabdovirus-like particles with symptoms of black currant reversion disease Acta virologica 46: 253-256.
Navrátil M., Válová P., Fialová R., Špak J., Přibylová J. (2001) First attempt on identification of phytoplasma associated with full blossom of red and white currant in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 551: 51-54.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Fránová J., Petrzik K. (2001) Association of aster yelow subgroup 16SrI-B phytoplasmas with a disease of Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurea Plant Pathology 50: 652-657.
Špak J., Přibylová J., Kubelková D., Navrátil M., Válová P. (2001) Outbreak of full blossom of red currant in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 551: 55-58.


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