
Celkem nalezeno: 37 záznamů
Sahara K., Yoshido A., Marec F., Fuková I., Zhang H. B., Wu C. C., Goldsmith M. R., Yasukochi Y. (2007) Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH. Genome 50: 1061-1065.
DOI: 10.1139/G07-082
Vítková M., Fuková I. (2007) Study of mechanisms explaining spreading multiple copies of the period gene in the W chromosome of Antheraea pernyi. Chromosome Res. 15: 76.
Vítková M., Fuková I., Kubíčková S., Marec F. (2007) Molecular divergence of the W chromosomes in pyralid moths (Lepidoptera). Chromosome Research 15: 917-930.
DOI: 10.1007/s10577-007-1173-7
Fuková I., Traut W., Kubíčková S., Marec F. (2006) Laser microdissection of the W chromosome in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. In: Abstracts, 7th International Workshop on the Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera, 20-26 August 2006, Kolympari, Crete, Greece, p. 105
Marec F., Fuková I., Vítková M., Nguyen P., Kubíčková S., Traut W. (2006) Progress in molecular characterization of the codling moth W chromosome. In: Working Material, Third FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting on Improvement of Codling Moth SIT to Facilitate Expansion of Field Application, 16-20 Sept. 2005, Mendoza, Argentina. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, pp. 51-60
Marec F., Fuková I., Vítková M., Nguyen P., Kubíčková S., Traut W. (2006) Laser microdissection of sex chromatin as a new tool for sequence and evolutionary analyses of the W chromosome in Lepidoptera. In: Abstract Book, VIIIth European Congress of Entomology, 17-22 September 2006, Izmir, Turkey, p. 85-86
Marec F., Vítková M., Fuková I., Nguyen P., Kubíčková S., Traut W. (2006) Insights into the molecular evolution of the W chromosomes in Lepidoptera. In: Abstracts, Int. Symp. Insect Genetics and Genomics, 9-11 January 2006, Hyderabad, India, p. 19.
Fuková I., Nguyen P., Marec F. (2005) Codling moth cytogenetics: karyotype, chromosomal location of rDNA, and molecular differentiation of sex chromosomes. Genome 48: 1083-1092.
DOI: 10.1139/G05-063
Fuková I., Vítková M., Nguyen P., Traut W., Marec F. (2005) Sequence analysis of the W chromosome in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). In: Abstracts, First International Cytogenetics and Genome Society Congress, 14-18 June 2005, Granada, Spain, p. 55 (poster P9).
Marec F., Fuková I., Vítková M., Nguyen P., Traut W. (2005) Codling moth sex chromosomes and their potential for development of genetic sexing strains. In: Resúmenes, VI Congreso Argentino de Entomología, 12-15 Sept. 2005, San Miguel de Tucumán, Sociedad Entomológia Argentina, p. 45.
Fuková I., Vítková M., Traut W., Kubíčková S., Marec F. (2004) Molecular analysis of microdissected W chromosomes of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Chromosome Res. 12: 93 (poster PO:08:04).
Marec F., Fuková I., Vítková M., Korchova M., Kubíčková S., Traut W. (2004) Codling moth cytogenetics: karyotype, sex-chromosome differentiation and development of W-chromosome painting probes. In: Working Material, Second FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting on Improvement of Codling Moth SIT to Facilitate Expansion of Field Application, 8-12 March 2004, Stellenbosch, South Africa. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, pp. 55-66.
Marec F., Vítková M., Fuková I., Yoshido A., Sahara K., Traut W. (2004) Molecular differentiation of W chromosomes in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res. 12: 91 (lecture L105).
Mediouni J., Fuková I., Frydrychová R., Dhouibi M. H., Marec F. (2004) Karyotype, sex chromatin and sex chromosome differentiation in the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Caryologia 57: 184-194.
DOI: 10.1080/00087114.2004.10589391
Vítková M., Fuková I., Marec F. (2004) Markers for uncovering the evolution of sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res. 12: 97 (poster PO:08:13).
Ambrozková M., Půta F., Fuková I., Skruzný M., Brabek J., Folk P. (2001) The fission yeast ortholog of the coregulator SKIP interacts with the small subunit of U2AF Biochem Biophys Res Commun 284: 1148-54.
Skruzný M., Ambrozková M., Fuková I., Martínková K., Blahůsková A., Hamplová L., Půta F., Folk P. (2001) Cyclophilins of a novel subfamily interact with SNW/SKIP coregulator in Dictyostelium discoideum and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Biochim Biophys Acta 1521: 146-51.


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