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Celkem nalezeno: 1145 záznamů
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Sukumari Nath V., Mishra A., Kumar A., Matoušek J., Jakše J. (2019) Revisiting the Role of Transcription Factors in Coordinating the Defense Response Against Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid Infection in Commercial Hop (Humulus Lupulus L.) Viruses 11(5): E419.
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Tulpová Z., Toegelová H., Lapitan N.L.V., Peairs F.B., Macas J., Novák P., Lukaszewski A.J., Kopecký D., Mazáčová M., Vrána J., Holušová K., Leroy P., Doležel J., Šimková H. (2019) Accessing a Russian Wheat Aphid Resistance Gene in Bread Wheat by Long-Read Technologies The Plant Genome 12 (2): DOI: 10.3835/ plantgenome2018.09.0065
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