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Celkem nalezeno: 538 záznamů
Vlasák J., Šmahel M., Pavlík A., Pavingerová D., Bříza J. (2003) Comparison of hCMV immediate early and CaMV 35S promoters in both plant and human cells Journal of Biotechnology 103: 197-2002.
Bříza J., Niedermeierová H., Pavingerová D., Thomas C., Klimyuk V., Jones J. (2002) Transposition patterns of unlinked transposed Ds elements from two T-DNA loci on tomato chromosomes 7 and 8 Molecular Genetics and Genomics 266: 882-890.
Fousek J., Mráz I., Petrzik K. (2002) Comparison of genetic variability between Czech and foreign isolates of phytopathogenic bacteria Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus by Rep-PCR technique Folia Microbiologica 47: 450-454.
Vrba , Matoušek J. (2002) Analysis of transcription of plant 7SL RNA gene variants in HeLa in vitro transcription system Folia Biologica 48: 227-231.
Matoušek J., Novák P., Bříza J., Patzak J., Niedermeierová H. (2002) Cloning and characterisation of chs-specific DNA and cDNA sequences from hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Plant Science 62: 1007-1018.
Matoušek J., Novák P., Patzak J., Bříza J., Krofta K. (2002) Analysis of true chalcone synthase from Humulus lupulus L. and biotechnology aspects of 'medicinal hops' Rostlinná  výroba 48: 7-14.
Petrzik K., Kubelková D., Mráz I. (2002) Strawberry vein banding virus detection by double antibody sandwich ELISA with antibodies to recombinant coat protein Acta virologica 46: 125-126.
Petrzik K., Lenz O. (2002) Remarkable variability of apple mosiac virus capsid protein gene after nucleotide position 141 Archives of Virology 147: 1275-1285.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Fránová J., Nebesářová J. (2002) Further investigation on full blossom disease of currants in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 585: 405-412.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Kubelková D. (2002) Mixed infection of black currant (Ribes Nigrum L.) plants with blackcurrant reversion associated virus and rhabdovirus-like particles with symptoms of black currant reversion disease Acta virologica 46: 253-256.
Ptáček J., Škopek J., Dědič P., Matoušek J. (2002) Immunocapture RT-PCR probing of potato virus Y isolates Acta virologica 46: 63-68.
Špak J., Kubelková D. (2002) Field resistance of six cultivars of winter oilseed rape against Turnip yellow mosiac virus Plant Protection Science 38: 73-75.
Yukawa Y., Matoušek J., Grimm M., Vrba , Steger G., Sugiura M., Beier H. (2002) Plant 7SL RNA and tRNA(Tyr) genes with inserted antisense sequences are efficiently expressed in an in vitro transcription system from Nicotiana tabacum cells Plant Molecular Biology 50: 713-723.
Bertaccini A., Davies D., Fialová R., Fránová J., Karešová R., Martini M., Navrátil M., Paltinieri S., Brighetti M. (2001) A molecular survey to identify phytopalasmas associated with apple trees showing different diseases symptoms Acta Horticulturae 550: 371-376.
Čeřovská N., Moravec T., Filigarová M., Petrzik K. (2001) Nucleotide Sequences of 5'-Terminal Parts of Coat Protein Genes of Various Isolates of NTN Strain of Potato Virus Y Acta virologica 45: 55-59.
Fránová J. (2001) Occurence of graft-transmissible of the strawberry in the Czech Republic Acta virologica 45: 151-157.
Fránová J., Karešová R., Šimková M., Nebesářová J., Navrátil M. (2001) The occurence of a rhabdovirus in Daphne mezereum in the Czech Republic Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 149: 293-296.
Fránová J., Mráz I., Petrzik K., Špak J., Šíp M., Bertaccini A., Erbenová M., Karešová R. (2001) The occurence of strawberry viruses and phytoplasmas in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 551: 81-86.
Matoušek J. (2001) \"Ozdravné\" pivo Kvasný průmysl 47: 292-294.
Matoušek J., Patzak J., Orctová L., Schubert J., Vrba , Steger G., Riesner D. (2001) The variability of hop latent viroid as induced upon heat treatment Virology 287: 349-358.
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