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Celkem nalezeno: 538 záznamů
Hanzlíková-Vašková D., Špak J., Klerks M., Schoen C., Thompson J., Jelkmann W. (2004) Real - time NASBA detection of strawberry vein banding virus European journal of plant pathology 110: 213-221.
Klerks M., Lindner J., Vašková D., Špak J., Thompson J., Jelkmann W., Schoen C. (2004) Detection and tentative grouping of strawberry crinkle isolates European journal of plant pathology 110: 45-52.
Matoušek J., Orctová L., Steger G., Riesner D. (2004) Biolistic inoculation of plants with viroid nucleic acids Journal of Virological Methods 122: 153-164.
Matoušek J., Orctová L., Steger G., Škopek J., Moors M., Dědič P., Riesner D. (2004) Analysis of thermal stress-mediated PSTVd variation and biolistic inoculation of progeny of viroid /\"thermomutants/\" to tomato and Brassica species Virology 323: 9-23.
Schubert J., Matoušek J., Mattern D. (2004) Pathogen-derived resistance in potato to Potato virus Y: aspects of stability and biosafety under field conditions Virus Research 100: 41-50.
Šmahel M., Pokorná D., Macková J., Vlasák J. (2004) Enhancement of immunogenicity of HPV16 E7 oncogene by fusion with E. coli beta-glucuronidase Journal of Gene Medicine 6: 1092-1101.
Špak J., Přibylová J., Kubelková D., Špaková V. (2004) The presence of phytoplasma in black currant infected with the blackcurrant reversion disease Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 152: 1-6.
Tomimura K., Špak J., Katis N., Jenner C., Walsh J., Gibbs A., Ohshima K. (2004) Comparisons of the genetic structure of populations of Turnip mosaic virus in west east Eurasia Virology 330: 408-423.
Bystřická D., Lenz O., Mráz I., Dědič P., Šíp M. (2003) DNA microarray: parallel detection of potato viruses Acta virologica 47: 41-44.
Fousek J., Mráz I. (2003) Determination of genetic differences between fluid and nonfluid variants of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus using rep-PCR technique Folia Microbiologica 48: 682-686.
Fránová J., Přibylová J., Šimková M., Navrátil M., Válová P. (2003) Electron microscopy and molecular characterization of phytoplasmas associated with strawflower yellows in the Czech Republic European journal of plant pathology 109: 883-887.
Matoušek J. (2003) Hop latent viroid (HLVd) microevolution: an experimental transmission of HLVd \"thermomutants\" to solanaceous species Biologia Plantarum 46: 607-610.
Matoušek J., Orctová L., Patzak J., Svoboda P., Ludvíková I. (2003) Molecular sampling of hop stunt viroid (HSVd) from grapevines in hop production areas in the Czech Republic and hop protection Plant, Soil and Environment 49: 168-175.
Novák P., Matoušek J., Bříza J. (2003) Valerophenone synthase-like chalcone synthase homologues in Humulus lupulus Biologia Plantarum 46: 375-381.
Šebestianová Š., Šebestian J., Janečková L., Matoušek J., Glick B. (2003) 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase, plant ethylene and flower fade Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 2: 866.
Škopek J., Matoušek J. (2003) Sequence variability of helper component protein of potato virus Y identified by thermodynamic methods Biologia Plantarum 47: 253-260.
Špak J. (2003) Virus černé kroužkovitosti rajčete Rostlinolékař 5: S1-S2.
Špak J. (2003) Virus kroužkovitosti rajčete Rostlinolékař 14: S1-S2.
Thompson J., Wetzel S., Klerks M., Vašková D., Schoen C., Špak J., Jelkmann W. (2003) Multiplex RT-PCR detection of four aphid-borne strawberry viruses in Fragaria spp. in combination with a plant mRNA specific internal control Journal of Virological Methods 111: 85-93.
Vašková D., Špak J. (2003) Improved diagnostic tools for the certification of strawberry propagation material - the use of PCR and NASBA for detection of Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) Plant Protection Science 38: 24-27.
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