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Celkem nalezeno: 538 záznamů
Přibylová J., Špak J., Petrzik K., Kubelková D., Špaková V. (2008) Sequence comparison and trasmission of Blackcurrant reversion virus isolates in black, red and white currants with black currant reversion disease and full blossom disease symptoms European journal of plant pathology 121: 67-75.
DOI: 10.1007/s10658-007-9245-2
Bříza J., Pavingerová D., Vlasák J., Ludvíková V., Niedermeierová H. (2007) Production of human papillomavirus type16 E7 oncoprotein fused with ß-glucuronidase in transgenic tomato and potato Biologia Plantarum 51: 268-276.
DOI: 10.1007/s10535-007-0053-5
Fránová J., Lesemann D. (2007) Daphne decline - what is the causal agent(s)? Acta virologica 51: 275-281.
Fránová J., Petrzik K., Paprštein F., Kučerová J., Navrátil M., Válová P., Nebesářová J., Jakešová H. (2007) Experiences with phytoplasma detection and identification by different methods Bulletin of Insectology 60: 247-248.
Kokošková B., Mráz I., Hýblová J. (2007) Comparison of specificity and sensitivity of immunochemical and molecular techniques for reliable detection of Erwinia amylovora Folia Microbiologica 52: 175-182.
Kout J., Vlasák J. (2007) Trametes gibbosa (Basidiomycetes, Polyporales) in the USA and Canada Canadian Journal of Botany 85: 342-346.
Lemmetty A., Přibylová J., Špak J. (2007) Phytoplasma detected in reverted black currants in Finland Bulletin of Insectology 60: 135-136.
Matoušek J., Kocábek T., Patzak J., Škopek J., Maloukh L., Heyerick A., Füssy Z., Roldán-Ruiz I., De Keukeleire D. (2007) HlMyb3, a putative regulatory factor in hop (Humulus lupulus L.), shows diverse biological effects in heterologous transgenotes Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 7767-7776.
Matoušek J., Kozlová P., Orctová L., Schmitz A., Pešina K., Bannach O., Diermann N., Steger G., Riesner D. (2007) Accumulation of viroid-specific small RNAs and increase in nucleolytic activities linked to viroid-caused pathogenesis Biological Chemistry 388: 1-13.
Matoušek J., Orctová L., Ptáček J., Patzak J., Dědič P., Steger G., Riesner D. (2007) Experimental Transmission of Pospiviroid Populations to Weed Species Characteristic of Potato and Hop Fields Journal of Virology 81: 11891-11899.
Navrátil M., Přibylová J., Válová P., Fialová R., Šafářová D., Špak J., Kubelková D., Petrzik K., Karešová R., Špaková V. (2007) Detection and identification of phytoplasmas in Ribes Bulletin of Insectology 60: 123-124.
Patzak J., Vrba , Matoušek J. (2007) New STS molecular markers for assessment of genetic diversity and DNA fingerprinting in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Genome 50: 15-25.
Fránová J., Petrzik K., Lesemann D., Navrátil M. (2006) Daphne mosaic virus (DapMV), a new potyvirus from Daphne mezereum in the Czech Republic Archives of Virology 151: 793-801.
Hanzlíková-Vašková D., Špak J., Petrzik K. (2006) Variability in sequence of Strawberry vein banding virus Biologia Plantarum 50: 660-666.
Matoušek J. (2006) \"Ozdravné\" látky a molekulární analýza chmelových genů Kvasný průmysl 52: 38-40.
Matoušek J., Vrba , Škopek J., Orctová L., Pešina K., Heyerick A., Baulcombe D., De Keukeleire D. (2006) Sequence analysis of a \"true\" chalcone synthase (chs_H1) oligofamily from hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and PAP1 activation of chs_H1 in heterologous systems Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 7606-7615.
Novák P., Krofta K., Matoušek J. (2006) Chalcone synthase homologues from Humulus lupulus: some enzymatic properties and expression Biologia Plantarum 50: 48-54.
DOI: 10.1007/s10535-005-0073-y
Petrzik K., Fránová J. (2006) Complete genome sequence of Daphne mosaic virus - a potyvirus from an ornamental shrub related to papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus Archives of Virology 151: 1461-1465.
Souček J., Škvor J., Poučková P., Matoušek J., Slavík T., Matoušek J. (2006) Mung bean sprout (Phaseolus aureus) nuclease and its biological and antitumor effects Neoplasma 53: 402-409.
Špak J., Navrátil M., Karešová R., Přibylová J., Válová P., Kučerová J., Kubelková D., Fialová R., Špaková V. (2006) Occurrence, symptom variation and yield loss caused by full blossom disease in red and white currants in the Czech Republic Crop Protection 25: 446-453.
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