Total found: 131 records |
Macas J., Lambert G., Doležel D., Galbraith D. (1998) NEST (Nuclear expressed sequence tag) analysis: a novel means to study transcription through amplification of nuclear RNA. Cytometry
33: 460-468.
Macas J.,
Nouzová M., Galbraith D. (1998) Adapting the Biomek 2000 Laboratory Automation Workstation for printing DNA microarrays Biotechniques
25: 106-110.
Neumann P., Lysák M., Doležel J.,
Macas J. (1998) Isolation of chromosomes from Pisum sativum L. hairy roots and their analysis by flow cytometry Plant Science
137: 205-215.
Doležel J., Lucretti S.,
Macas J. (1997) Analysis and sorting of chromosomes in plants using flow cytometry Biologické Listy
62: 131-160.
Doleželová M.,
Macas J., Doležel J. (1997) Mapping of repeated DNA sequences in plant chromosomes by PRINS and C-PRINS Theoretical and Applied Genetics
94: 758-763.
Gualberti G., Doležel J.,
Macas J., Lucretti S. (1996) Preparation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chromosome and nucleus suspensions from single root tips Theoretical and Applied Genetics
92: 744-751.
Macas J., Gualberti G.,
Nouzová M., Samec P., Lucretti S., Doležel J. (1996) Construction of chromosome-specific DNA libraries covering the whole genome of field bean (Vicia faba L) Chromosome Research
4: 531-539.
Gális I.,
Macas J.,
Vlasák J., Ondřej M., Van Ockelen H. (1995) The effect of elevated cytokinin level using ipt and N6-benzyladenine on single node and intact potato plant tuberization in vitro Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
14: 143-150.
Lucretti S., Gualberti G.,
Macas J., Doležel J. (1995) Analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes using flow cytometry Lettere GIC
4: 39-51.
Macas J., Doležel J., Gualberti G., Pich U., Schubert I., Lucretti S. (1995) Primer-induced labelling of pea and field bean chromosomes in situ and in suspension Biotechniques
19: 402-408.
Pich U., Meister A.,
Macas J., Doležel J., Lucretti S., Schubert I. (1995) Primed in situ labelling facilitates flow sorting of similar sized chromosomes Plant Journal
7: 1039-1044.