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Total found: 1145 records
Šantrůčková H., Šantrůček J., Květoň J., Šimková M., Elhottová D., Roháček K. (1999) Carbon balance of a winter wheat - root microbiota system under elevated CO2 Photosynthetica 36: 341-354.
Šiffel P., Braunová Z. (1999) Release and aggregation of the light-harvesting complex in intact leaves subjected to strong CO2 deficit Photosynthesis Research 61: 217-226.
Špak J., Kubelková D. (1999) Identification of raspberry bushy dwarf virus strains occuring in the Czech Republic Acta virologica 43: 335-336.
Štys D., Šiffel P., Hunalová I., Nebesářová J. (1999) The relation between changes in non-photochemical quenching, low temperature fluorescence emission, and membrane ultrastructure upon binding of polyionic compounds and fragments of light-harvesting complex 2 Photosynthetica 37: 325-334.
Vaz Patto M., Torres A., Koblížková A., Macas J., Cubero J. (1999) Development of a genetic composite map of Vicia faba using F2 populaions derived from trisomic plants Theoretical and Applied Genetics 98: 736-743.
Bertaccini A., Vibio M., Janečková M., Fránová J. (1998) Molecular detection of phytoplasmas in apple with rubberry wood symptoms Acta Horticulturae 472: 693-700.
Bertaccini A., Voráčková Z., Vibio M., Fránová J., Navrátil M., Špak J., Nebesářová J. (1998) Comparison of phytoplasmas infecting winter oilseed rape in the Czech Republic with Italian Brassica phytoplasmas and their relationship to the aster yellows group Plant Pathology 47: 317-324.
Čeřovská N., Moravec T., Petrzik K. (1998) Detection of two main potato potyviruses - comparison of serological and molecular biological methods Chemical Papers 52: 292-293.
Čeřovská N., Petrzik K., Moravec T., Mráz I. (1998) Potato virus A detection by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction Acta virologica 42: 83-85.
Chval Z., Šíp M. (1998) Force field for platinum binding to adenine and guanine taking into account flexibility of nucleic acid bases Journal of Physical Chemistry 102: 1659-1661.
Doleželová M., Nouzová M., Macas J., Doležel J. (1998) A combined PRINS-FISH technique for simultaneous localisation of DNA sequences on plant chromosomes Biologia Plantarum 41: 293-296.
Durchan M., Lupínková L., Kvíderová J. (1998) The effect of sucrose on tobacco plantlets in the course of carbon dioxide deficiency stress Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology 163.
Fránová J., Erbenová M., Martin R. (1998) Isolation of tobacco necrosis virus from strawberry leaves in the Czech Republic Acta virologica 42: 325-331.
Fránová J., Špak J., Erbenová M., Nebesářová J., Martin R. (1998) Detection and identification of tobacco necrosis virus in strawberry leaves in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 471: 39-43.
Hartog F., Vácha F., Lock A., Barber J., Dekker J., Volker S. (1998) Comparison of the excited-state dynamics of five- and six-chlorophyll photosystem II reaction center complexes Journal of Physical Chemistry 102: 9174-9180.
Kertbundit S., Linacero R., Gális I., Macas J., Deboeck F., Rouz P., Hernalsteens J., Degreve H. (1998) Analysis of T-DNA-mediated translational beta-glucuronidase gene fusions Plant Molecular Biology 36: 205-217.
Koblížková A. (1998) Mapování genomů rostlin pomocí mikrosatelitových markerů Biologické Listy 63: 139-153.
Koblížková A., Doležel J., Macas J. (1998) Subtraction with 3'modified oligonucleotides eliminates amplification artefacts in DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites Biotechniques 25: 32-38.
Kubelková D., Špak J. (1998) Transmission of raspberry bushy dwarf virus by seed of Chenopodium quinoa Acta virologica 42: 195-196.
Küpper H., Küpper F. C., Spiller M. (1998) In situ detection of heavy metal substituted chlorophylls in water plants Photosynthesis Research 58: 123-133.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1006132608181
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