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Total found: 1145 records
Neumann P., Požárková D., Vrána J., Doležel J., Macas J. (2001) Chromosome flow-sorting and integration of genetic and physical maps in pea Chromosome Research 9: 98.
Nouzová M., Neumann P., Navrátilová A., Galbraith D., Macas J. (2001) Microarray-based survey of repetitive genomic sequences in Vicia spp.. Plant Molecular Biology 45: 229-244.
Ondřej M. (2001) Transgenosis of Arabidopsis thaliana for undestanding gene functions and interactions Biologia 56: 1-5.
Ondřej M., Doubková Z., Drobník J. (2001) Aplikace zákona o nakládání s geneticky modifikovanými organismy u transgenních rostlin Farmář 7: 24-29.
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Pavingerová D., Bříza J., Niedermeierová H. (2001) Timing of transposition of Ac mobile element in potato Biologia Plantarum 44: 347-353.
Petrzik K. (2001) Jsou rostlinné viry jen škodlivé? Živa 49: 54-56.
Petrzik K., Mráz I., Kubelková D. (2001) Preparation of recombinant coat protein of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus Acta virologica 45: 61-63.
Požárková D., Koblížková A., Román B., Torres A., Lucretti S., Lysák M., Doležel J., Macas J. (2001) Targeted retrieval of molecular markers from defined part of field bean chromosome 1 Chromosome Research 9: 100.
Přibylová J., Špak J., Fránová J., Petrzik K. (2001) Association of aster yelow subgroup 16SrI-B phytoplasmas with a disease of Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurea Plant Pathology 50: 652-657.
Rakouský S. (2001) O hodnocení rizika GMO Zemědělec 9: 12.
Schreiber L., Skrabs M., Hartmann K., Diamantopoulos P., Šimáňová E., Šantrůček J. (2001) Effect of humidity on cultivar water permeability of isolated cuticular membranes and leaf disks Planta 214: 274-282.
Špak J. (2001) Virus mozaiky huseníku Rostlinolékař 12:
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Špak J., Přibylová J., Kubelková D., Navrátil M., Válová P. (2001) Outbreak of full blossom of red currant in the Czech Republic Acta Horticulturae 551: 55-58.
Vašková D., Petrzik K., Špak J., Karešová R. (2001) Variability and molecular typing of the woody-tree infecting ilaviruses (Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and Prune dwarf virus) Acta Horticulturae 550: 237-244.
Wabiko H., Gális I., Kakiuchi Y. (2001) Degeneration and regeneration of plant cells induced by the tumorogenetic genes from Agrobacterium Regulation of Plant Growth & Development 36: 24-34.
Wiesner I., Wiesnerová D., Tejklová E. (2001) Effect of anchor and core sequence in microsatellite primers on flax fingerprinting patterns Journal of Agricultural Science 137: 37-44.
Bříza J., Pavingerová D., Niedermeierová H., Rakouský S. (2000) Germinal excision and reinsertion frequencies of the mobile elements Ds transposed from two unlinked T-DNA loci in tomato Biologia Plantarum 43: 185-192.
Chval Z., Šíp M. (2000) Pentacoordinated transition states of cisplatin hydrolysis Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem 17: 59-68.
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