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Total found: 1145 records
Vlasák J., Vlasák J. (2016) Two new polypore species from the southwestern USA: Fomitiporia fissurata and F. deserticola Mycotaxon 131 (1): 193-203.
DOI: 10.5248/131.193
Zhou L., Nakasone K., Burdsall H., Ginns J., Vlasák J., Miettinen O., Spirin V., Niemelä T., Yuan H., He S., Cui B., Xing J., Dai Y. (2016) Polypore diversity in North America with an annotated checklist Mycological Progress 15 (7): 771-790.
DOI: 10.1007/s11557-016-1207-7
Zhou L., Vlasák J., Dai Y. (2016) Taxonomy and phylogeny of Phellinidium (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): A redefinition and the segregation of Coniferiporia gen. nov for forest pathogens Fungal Biology 120 (8): 988-1001.
DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2016.04.008
Zhou L., Vlasák J., Decock C., Assefa A., Stenlid J., Abate D., Wu S., Dai Y. (2016) Global diversity and taxonomy of the Inonotus linteus complex (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Sanghuangporus gen. nov., Tropicoporus excentrodendri and T-guanacastensis gen. et spp. nov., and 17 new combinations Fungal Diversity 77: 335-347.
DOI: 10.1007/s13225-015-0335-8
Zhou L., Vlasák J., Qin W., Dai Y. (2016) Global diversity and phylogeny of the Phellinus igniarius complex (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) with the description of five new species Mycologia 108 : 192-204.
DOI: 10.3852/15-099
Adamec L., Sirová D., Vrba J., Bárta J., Šantrůček J., Šimek K. (2015) Lovci, nebo zahradníci? Komplexní výzkum vodních masožravých bublinatek [Hunters or gardeners? A complex research of aquatic carnivorous bladderworts]. Živa 63: 286-288.
Badaeva E., Amosova A., Goncharov N., Macas J., Ruban A., Grechishnikova I., Zoshchuk S., Houben A. (2015) A set of cytogenetic markers allows the precise identification of all A-genome chromosomes in diploid and polyploidy wheat Cytogenetic and genome research 146: 71-79.
Banaei-Moghaddam A., Martis M., Macas J., Gundlach H., Himmelbach A., Altschmied L., Mayer K., Houben A. (2015) Genes on B chromosomes: Old questions revisited with new tools Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1849: 64-70.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2014.11.007
Beran P., Mráz I., Kokošková B., Bohatá A. (2015) Monitoring the occurrence of bacterial spot of tomato and pepper in the Czech Republic and development of new PCR primers for detection of Xanthomonas vesicatoria European Journal of Plant Pathology 141: 617-621.
DOI: 10.1007/s10658-014-0554-y
Dodsworth S., Chase M., Kelly L., Leitch I., Novák P., Macas J., Piednoël M., Weiss-Schneeweiss H., Leitch A. (2015) Genomic Repeat Abundances Contain Phylogenetic Signal Systematic biology 64: 112-126.
DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syu080
Duraisamy G., Mishra A., Jakše J., Matoušek J. (2015) Computational prediction, target identification and experimental validation of miRNAs from Expressed sequence tags in Cannabis sativa L Botanical Science 4: 32-42.
Han M., Vlasák J., Cui B. (2015) Daedalea americana sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis Phytotaxa 204: 277-286.
DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.204.4.4
Herbstová M., Bína D., Koník P., Gardian Z., Vácha F., Litvín R. (2015) Molecular basis of chromatic adaptation in pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1847(6-7): 534-543.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.02.016
Hronková M., Wiesnerová D., Šimková M., Skůpa P., Dewitte W., Vráblová M., Zažímalová E., Šantrůček J. (2015) Light-induced STOMAGEN-mediated stomatal development in Arabidopsis leaves Journal of experimental botany 66: 4621-4630.
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erv233
Jakešová H., Fránová J. (2015) Optimalizovaná biologická metoda pro zjištění vnímavosti odrůd jetele lučního k infekci virem mozaiky jetele bílého (White clover mosaic virus, WClMV) a virem strakatosti jetele lučního (Red clover mottle virus, RCMV) v klimatických podmínkách České repub [certifikovaná metodika] ISBN: 978-80-260-7682-7.
Jakše J., Radišek S., Pokorný T., Matoušek J., Javornik B. (2015) Deep-sequencing revealed Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) as a highly aggressive pathogen on hop Plant Pathology 64: 831–842.
DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12325
Kelly L., Renny-Byfield S., Pellicer J., Macas J., Novák P., Neumann P., Lysák M., Day P., Berger M., Fay M., Nichols R., Leitch A., Leitch I. (2015) Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size New Phytologist 208: 596-607.
DOI: 10.1111/nph.13471
Keşan G., Durchan M., Tichý J., Minofar B., Kuznetsova V., Fuciman M., Šlouf V., Parlak C., Polívka T. (2015) Different Response of Carbonyl Carotenoids to Solvent Proticity Helps to Estimate Structure of the Unknown Carotenoid From Chromera velia The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119: 12653-12663.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b08152
Koloniuk I., Hrabáková L., Petrzik K. (2015) Molecular characterization of a novel amalgavirus from the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana Archives of Virology 160 (6): 1585-1588.
DOI: 10.1007/s00705-015-2416-0
Lake A., Novák P., Shipkova P., Aranibar N., Robertson D., Reily M., Lehman-Mckeeman L., Vaillancourt R., Cherrington N. (2015) Branched chain amino acid metabolism profiles in progressive human nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Amino Acids 47: 603-615.
DOI: 10.1007/s00726-014-1894-9
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