Seminar Transposable element annotation in animal genomes, from mosquitoes to chickens by dr. P. Arensburger ( Cal Poly Pomona, USA) will be held on 2nd October in 1 p.m. at Parasitology institute II (PaU Animal Facility), new lecture room, 2nd floor Dr. P.Arensburger realises his Fullbright stipendium on the Molecular cytogenetics department (J. Macas) of IPMB.
We offer one post-doc position (ideally long-term) in the laboratory of plant biochemistry and biophysic. Interested candidates should apply no later than 1 October 2018 - for details, see the PDF-file below.
The 7th RepeatExplorer workshop on the Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis will be held in Institute of Plant Molecular Biology - Biology centre CAS on May 22-24. The 45 scientists from Europe, USA, Brasil, China or Russia will be trained in newest trends in analysis of repetitive DNA and utilisation of RepeatExplorer a Tarean...
Institute of plant molecular biology offers one scientific and two general/lab technician positions. Scientific position: plant virology department, post-doc (deadline 10.3.) - details General / lab technician: plant virology department (deadline 14.3.) - details plant biophysics and biochemistry (deadline 15.3.) -...
Three new viruses were discovered by the team of virologists from the Biology centre inside fungus Sodiomyces alkalinus. Not only they comprise a rather unusual combination of viruses, these three are also the first viruses found in filamentous fungi growing in an extremely alkaline environment.
Mini-symposium on metals in photosynthetic organisms aimed at bringing together existing and (potential) future members and cooperation partners on the KOROLID grant will be held on August 17-19 at Institute of Plant Molecular Biology. Registrations and "last minute" poster contributions are still welcome on e-mail , preferably till 6th August....
Libor Grubhoffer will be a new Director of the largest scientific institution in South Bohemia - Biology Centre (BC) CAS. On Monday, June 26, he was appointed by the president of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová. His term of office is five years and begins on July 1, 2017. Libor Grubhoffer replaces Miloslav Šimek, who has been in charge of the institution since 2012.
In addition to genes, DNA of every organism possesses also several hunderds, thousands, or more copies of usually short and non-coding regions - so-called repetitive sequences. How many repetitive sequences can be within individual species or taxon, how evolution is acting on these repeats, and why is the repetitive DNA so abundant? These were the questions which were examined by the...
How exactly can metals induce the oxidative stress in plants? Dr. Filis Morina from Plant biophysics and biochemistry department sheds light onto this problem on 11th May at 13:45 in B1 lecture room (Faculty of Science).
Till 7th May the registration is open for workshop targeting the using of the next generation sequencing (NGS) data for analyzing repeat composition of plant genomes. The workshop will be held on 23-25th May at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology - Biological centre CAS. Special emphasis will be ginven to the methods implemented in the RepeatExplorer pipeline (including practical...