Whenever the European dodder, Cuscuta europaea, is under scientific scrutiny, it usually is due to its non-functional chloroplasts and its concomitant parasitic lifestyle. Scientists from the Czech Republic and Germany have now discovered another curiosity of this plant parasite. The chromosome areas responsible for proper segregation of genetic material during the division of the cell differ...
We have already wished you in Czech and English language, however, we would like to add few words now also in genetic code as it is the field of our research, too.
International team including the scientist from Czech Republic has assembled – after six years of research – the first complete genome of field pea. The results has been published on 2nd September in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics.
On May 21-23, the 46 scientists (31 abroad) participated on 8th RepeatExplorer workshop on the " Application of Next Generation Sequencing to Repetitive DNA Analysis " in the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology - Biology centre CAS. The scientists from z Czech republic, Germany, Austria, Spain, Croatia, UK, Canada, South Korea, China and Brasil were trained in...
Almost each cell of single animal or a plant contains the same DNA. However, there is a wide variety of cells with different shapes or functions. How is it brought about? What is it that enabled single-celled ancestral organisms to evolve into complex species composed from hundreds of different cell types? Similar questions will be the subject of the research by Iva Mozgová from Institute of...
Every three years, the Czech Society of Experimental Plant Biology and Plant Physiology section of the Slovak Botanical Society jointly organize meetings, which are hosted by alternating Czech and Slovak university cities. The next conference (titled Plant Biology CS, 2019) will take place in České Budějovice (at the joint campus of the University of South Bohemia and Biology Centre of the...
Seven new virus species were discovered last year by scientists of the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology at Biological centre CAS. The viruses attack strawberry, cherries, black-current and red clover, and the results suggest that they will not be the last discovered ones for the long time.
Heavy metals are necessary for all organisms, however only in certain small concentrations. Higher or lower concentrations of heavy metals can be problematic or even toxic. How plants can deal with them and how this knowledge can be used for the benefit of human and environment in the future investigates research team of prof. Hendrik Küpper.
Bacteriophages can be used as natural, biological weapon against some bacterial diseases of crops, for example potato canker. Laboratory of Plant virology of IPMB investigates such a possibility in the newly granted NAZV project and offers Bc or MSc theses work named "Selection, purification and molecular characterisation of bacteriophages specific to Dickeya sp. and...
The hop contains several compounds usable in medicine - some of them have also anti-cancerogenic activities. Their concentration in the hop (or a beer) is however very low. Scientist from Biology centre CAS has now discovered a promising way, how to change it.