Seven years ago, Lenka Caisova discovered a very peculiar organism that looked like a moss. However, genetic sequencing revealed that this organism was not moss, but a Chlorophyte green alga. She named this alga as Draparnaldia erecta and started to develop this alga as a new model to study alternative mechanisms for multicellularity and terrestrialization in green plants. The importance of...
Austria's most highly endowed research prizes have been awarded: On the recommendation of an international jury of experts, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has selected cell biologist Jiří Friml from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) to receive the FWF Wittgenstein Award. Jiří Friml is the ERA Chair at the Biology Centre of the CAS within the MOLIPEC project supported by...
Two new research groups has been established at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology of the BC CAS. The first is headed by Lenka Caisová, whose research focuses on plant terrestrialization. The second group, led by Ivan Kulich, investigates the development and growth of plant cells. The new research teams have been initiated within the framework of the MOLIPEC project, supported by the...
24 scientists from the Biology Centre CAS are ranked among the top 2 % of the world's most cited scientific authors. The list of the best scientific authors is published annually by Elsevier according to an analysis by Stanford University. The datasets are based on the Scopus database and include all scientific disciplines.
Jiunn Luh Tan, a dedicated PhD student at the Institute of Entomology and Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, achieved a remarkable accolade at the 8th Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group on "Integrated Control of Plant-Feeding Mites" held in Belgrade, Serbia, from September 4th to 7th, 2023. Tan received the prestigious "Best PhD Student Oral Presentation Award" for his...
Scientists at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC CAS) have discovered a new plant virus that severely impacts the yield of certain strawberry cultivars. To combat this emerging threat, they've developed a diagnostic kit capable of swiftly and accurately detecting the virus. This kit allows detection of the virus already in seedlings, effectively preventing the spread of the...
After 16 years in Finland and 3 years at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Michael Wrzaczek answers questions about what it is like to be a foreigner at a Czech research institute or what challenges came with his position as Director of the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology.
Training school for working with metaloproteins will be held from 17th to 19th July on IPMB - BC AV ČR for members of PLANTMETALS COST Action.
Iva Mozgová's research group at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology is now hosting four postdoctoral fellows funded by the MSCA postdoctoral fellowship programme. Ahamed Khan and Mingxi Zhou have been MSCA fellows since April 2021. In January 2023, they were joined by the ERA Fellow Rafał Krela (MSCA postdoctoral fellowship for widening countries) and Fatemeh Aflaki with an MSCA-CZ...
Renowned plant biologist Jiří Friml presented his latest findings on the role of the plant hormone auxin in plant life in his welcome lecture at the Biology Centre CAS (BC). Jiří Friml is a leading figure of the project MOLIPEC: Molecular Life of Plants ERA Chair that started at BC at the beginning of January 2023. Thanks to the MOLIPEC project, the ERA Chair in plant molecular biology funded...