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Total found: 538 records
Bertaccini A., Fránová J., Botti S., Tabanelli D. (2005) Molecular characterization of phytoplasmas in lilies with fasciation in the Czech Republic FEMS Microbiology Letters 249: 79-85.
Bystřická D., Lenz O., Mráz I., Piherová L., Kmoch S., Šíp M. (2005) Oligonucleotide-based microarray: A new improvement in microarray detection of plant viruses Journal of Virological Methods 128: 176-182.
Fránová J. (2005) The occurence of phytoplasmas in apple trees showing branch twisting Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 153: 384-388.
Fránová J. (2005) Detection of phytoplasmas in apple trees showing branches twisting Phytopathologia Polonica 35: 113-116.
Hanzlíková-Vašková D., Špak J. (2005) Strawberry vein banding virus - virus lemování žilek jahodníku Rostlinolékař S1-S2.
Kokošková B., Mráz I. (2005) Reliability of diagnostic techniques for Erwinia amylovora, the causative agent of fire blight disease Folia Microbiologica 50: 217-221.
Kokošková B., Mráz I., Fousek J. (2005) Limitations in reliability of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) diagnostic methods Phytopathologia Polonica 35: 69-72.
Kokošková B., Mráz I., Janse J., Fousek J. (2005) Reliability of diagnostic techniques for determination of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus Zeichtschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz 112: 1-16.
Vrba , Matoušek J. (2005) Expression of modified 7SL RNA gene in transgenic Solanum tuberosum plants Biologia Plantarum 49: 371-380.
Matoušek J., Vrba , Novák P., Patzak J., De Keukeleire J., Škopek J., Heyerick A., Roldán-Ruiz I., De Keukeleire D. (2005) Cloning and molecular analysis of the regulatory factor HiMyb1 in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and the potential of hop to produce bioactive prenylated flavonoids Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53: 4793-4798.
Matoušek J., Schubert J., Ptáček J., Kozlová P., Dědič P. (2005) Complete nucleotide sequence and molecular probing of Potato virus S genome Acta virologica 49: 195-205.
Navrátil M., Šafářová D., Karešová R., Petrzik K. (2005) First Incidence of Plum Pox Virus on Apricot Trees in China Plant Disease 89: 338.
Petrzik K. (2005) Capsid protein sequence gene analysis of Apple mosaic virus infesting pears European journal of plant pathology 111: 355-360.
Petrzik K. (2005) Biotechnologické využití rostlinných virů a jeho perspektivy Informační listy genetické společnosti G. Mendela 16-30.
Petrzik K., Holá M., Špak J. (2005) Complete nucleotide sequence of radish mosaic virus RNA polymerase gene and phylogenetic relationships in the genus Comovirus Acta virologica 49: 271-275.
Yukawa Y., Felis M., Englert M., Stojanov M., Matoušek J., Beier H., Sugiura M. (2005) Promoter assay of plant 7SL RNA genes Plant and Cell Physiology 43: S232.
Yukawa Y., Felis M., Englert M., Stojanov M., Matoušek J., Beier H., Sugiura M. (2005) Plant 7SL RNA genes belong to type 4 of RNA polymerase III-dependent genes that are composed of mixed promoters Plant Journal 43: 97-106.
Fránová J., Paltrinieri S., Botti S., Šimková M., Bertaccini A. (2004) Association of phytoplasmas and viruses with malformed clovers Folia Microbiologica 49: 617-624.
Gaudinová A., Špak J., Dobrev P., Malbeck J., Vaňková R., Motyka V. (2004) Changes in phytohormone contents in radish exposed to virus infection Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 26: 129.
Hanzlíková-Vašková D., Špak J. (2004) Molecular detection and variability of Strawberry vein banding virus Acta Horticulturae 656: 33-38.
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