Total found: 171 records |
Doležel J., Lucretti S.,
Macas J. (1997) Analysis and sorting of chromosomes in plants using flow cytometry Biologické Listy
62: 131-160.
Doleželová M.,
Macas J., Doležel J. (1997) Mapping of repeated DNA sequences in plant chromosomes by PRINS and C-PRINS Theoretical and Applied Genetics
94: 758-763.
Šiffelová G., Pavelková M.,
Koblížková A.,
Wiesner I., Našinec V. (1997) Computer-aided RAPD fingerprinting of accessions from the ryegrass-fescue complex Journal of Agricultural Science
129: 257-265.
Gualberti G., Doležel J.,
Macas J., Lucretti S. (1996) Preparation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chromosome and nucleus suspensions from single root tips Theoretical and Applied Genetics
92: 744-751.
Macas J., Gualberti G.,
Nouzová M., Samec P., Lucretti S., Doležel J. (1996) Construction of chromosome-specific DNA libraries covering the whole genome of field bean (Vicia faba L) Chromosome Research
4: 531-539.
Neumann P. (1996) Statistical evaluation of the effect of individual heat shock parameters on the effectiveness of triploidy induction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mydiss WALBAUM, 1792) Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany
32: 32-38.
Šiffelová G., Pavelková M.,
Koblížková A.,
Wiesner I., Našinec V., Kiss G., Kaló P., Csanadi G., Endre G., Felfoldi K. (1996) Genetic map of diploid alfalfa based on DNA markers Journal of Experimental Botany
47: 31.
Gális I.,
Macas J.,
Vlasák J., Ondřej M., Van Ockelen H. (1995) The effect of elevated cytokinin level using ipt and N6-benzyladenine on single node and intact potato plant tuberization in vitro Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
14: 143-150.
Lucretti S., Gualberti G.,
Macas J., Doležel J. (1995) Analysis and sorting of plant chromosomes using flow cytometry Lettere GIC
4: 39-51.
Macas J., Doležel J., Gualberti G., Pich U., Schubert I., Lucretti S. (1995) Primer-induced labelling of pea and field bean chromosomes in situ and in suspension Biotechniques
19: 402-408.
Pich U., Meister A.,
Macas J., Doležel J., Lucretti S., Schubert I. (1995) Primed in situ labelling facilitates flow sorting of similar sized chromosomes Plant Journal
7: 1039-1044.